This Is Why Women Won’t Date You

The success you want is out there. You just have to be the one to find the strength within you to reach it.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Harris O’Malley

Last year, The Federalist — a conservative news organization that seems to devote at least a third of its coverage to lamenting that women won’t sleep with them — decided to publish the hottest of hot takes: that women who refuse to give it up to conservatives are why Trump won.

And to be fair: he’s half-right. Women are, in fact, refusing to date or sleep with Trump voters. As it turns out, #MAGA is the ultimate anaphrodisiac; red hats are becoming the new “tiger pic” of Tinder. However, in getting things half right, author Jarrod Laber manages to be absurdly wrong at the same time. While others have covered the hot takes about why this is stupid, I would like to take a different angle. Laber is, indeed, correct that he and his cohorts are getting fingered by the invisible hand of the free meat market; however, he’s missing the point as to why.

But in missing that point, he presents a series of excellent reasons why certain men are having a hard time dating. Mostly by embodying all of them.

Let’s break it down, shall we?

You’re Trying To Date The Wrong…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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