Three Ways Healthy Butterflies Can Manifest In Your Relationship

#3. You never feel like you have enough time together because it flies by.

Carrie Wynn
Hello, Love


Recently I was watching Sex Life on Netflix, which infuriated me to no end for various reasons.

The part (and there were many) that baffled me the most is that the show claimed that you could not have excitement and thrills in a relationship and have security.

I know that this isn’t true because I will marry someone who gives me both even after years of living together and going through the mundane parts of life.

Trust me, as a former seeker of the butterflies, they always were short-lived and brought more pain than joy. It wasn’t until being with my fiance that I realized there was a different kind of butterflies, ones that wouldn’t end in heartbreak.

These are the indicators that you are experiencing the “healthy” butterflies in your relationship.

#1. You feel comfortable and excited instead of anxious and unsure

Over cocktails with one of my best friends, Sarah, the topic came up of Steven's guy that she had been seeing off and on for a few months.



Carrie Wynn
Hello, Love

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: