A Love Letter To An Endangered Species — The Hard Working Man.

We are meant to lift our partners up, not cut them down.

A. McClure
Hello, Love


hardworking man, partner, love letter, husband love letter, boyfriend, fiance
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

My love,

What are we, if not interconnected? Even individually, we do not operate alone. We are operating for ourselves, with one another in mind.

We are placed here on this planet for a greater good. We are meant to create balance. Give and take, ebb and flow. There are a select few of us on this planet that I believe feel that connection to one another.

We understand the importance of being connected. We are two parts of an operating system. We are both machine and soul, you and I.

Perhaps, one of us is more machine and the other more soul, maybe that depends on the day. — But isn’t that the beauty of it? There is flexibility, fluidity even, in seeing one another as we are. We can then rejoice in the expansion of not one mind, but two.

Rare are we, the self aware, self correcting and self motivated.

Even rarer, to find one another in a sea of Wanderers. What propels us forward…



A. McClure
Hello, Love

Traveling Writer & Poet | Relationship Oracle | Mental Health Advocate | Gallery Awarded Mixed Media Artist | Lover of Pasta