Toxic Double Standards Society Has Normalized (That Need To Die)

You need to start verifying what you hear.

Leah Njoki
Hello, Love


Photo by Artem Artemov on Unsplash

Have you ever taken advice from someone at some point in your life only to realize a few years later that they were the wrong people to advise on the subject?

I bet you have because scenarios like this happen too frequently. People are so keen to dish out advice, and we’re so thirsty for it that we take it without questioning its validity.

Recently, I’ve been questioning all the advice I heard growing up, and I realized I’d been sold a bag of goods to some extent. And I’m sure you’ve had those moments too.

Something happens when you mature; you become more open to taking in knowledge, but you also start to verify what you hear.

In verifying these truths, you start to see some of them for what they truly are: toxic double standards.

Before we get to the part where we pull them apart bit by bit, let’s define exactly what a double standard is.

A double standard is a set of rules applied differently to others.

For instance, let’s say you tell your husband that you should both start putting more money into your joint saving account.



Leah Njoki
Hello, Love

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