Seeking Justice When You Are Wronged By Someone You Love

Using the Rupture Ratio to Decide What You Want

Keith R Wilson
Hello, Love


Image from Stockvault

Getting hurt sucks. You’ll want to move on. Before you can, you’ll need to know where to go. What is it that you want, exactly?

If your wife has been sleeping with another man, you might not know how to heal. It’s not like she can undo what she did or that you can unknow it. What’s done is done. You find it hard to trust and a persistent image keeps popping into your mind whenever you go to kiss her. You try to imagine feeling the same about her as you once did, but you can’t get there from here. It seems like the roads have all been closed and a confusing array of detour signs are sending you every which way.

The rupture ratio

Pick a number from zero to ten that expresses your interest in staying in the relationship, versus the desire to leave. Zero means you’re certain you never want to see your wife again. We’re not only talking divorce, we’re talking a scorched earth annihilation of affection, here. If there are kids involved, or an equally cherished Doberman, you’ll even walk out on them, so you don’t have to see her again.

You’re at a one if a bitter, no nonsense divorce is what you want; angry enough that she keeps her distance, but not so contentious…

