Wreckage on the Road to Reconciliation

Victims in Denial

Keith R Wilson
Hello, Love


Image from Pxfuel

One type you’ll see on the side of the road to reconciliation are the Deniers. You’ll see them, but they won’t see you. They’re blind, deaf, and insensible to touch. They only know what they want to know, what’s convenient to them, what fits in the worldview they feel they must have. If the evidence threatens their ideas, they discard the evidence. They are the deniers, who, although they are hurt by the ones they love, will never admit it.

You might have thought it’s only offenders who engage in denial. Well, they do it best. They’ll disavow everything if they can get away with it. They’ll have a million excuses why they must do the things they do. But, victims will engage in denial, too, if they can’t accept that they’ve been hurt, or want to avoid doing anything about it.

You might have done this in the first flush of love when the excitement of being in a new relationship was so great you missed all the red flags. If he had abusive language, you called it love talk. If he roughed you up, you thought it was affection. If he was…

