We All Know Millennials Suck at Relationships, But Do We Know Why?

There are real struggles behind the stats but there are also solutions.

Tim Dahi
Hello, Love


Millenial sitting cozy and engrossed on his laptop
Photo by Canva Studio

Being married to a millennial and my job as a mediator has provided me with a unique vantage point on the relationship patterns that are shaping our generation and the next. I have helped couples overcome relationship challenges and I have seen firsthand the struggles millennials face in forming and maintaining stable, meaningful connections.

Do you wonder why is it that despite having endless options and all this technology, millennials still find it increasingly difficult to maintain stable, long-term relationships? As one striking statistic reveals:
44% of millennials are married, compared to 53% of Gen X, 61% of Boomers, and 81% of the Silent Generation at comparable ages.

This statistic no doubt also shows a steady decline in marriage rates through the generations perhaps indicating broad social changes, however, the challenges millennials face in forming and maintaining relationships influenced by things like modern technology account for struggles that are unique to them — issues that are part of a larger trend.

83% of millennials spend up to two hours a day on dating apps (Source)



Tim Dahi
Hello, Love

Writer. Challenger. Live and let live advocate.