What Being Single Taught Me About Relationships

My relationship is great because I was single for 4 years.

Denisa Cerna
Hello, Love


Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

When my first serious relationship ended, I was 16 years old. I spent the next four years mostly single. Now that I have a new partner, I look back on those four most formative years of my life so far, and I feel grateful for them.

My current relationship is better than the last one in many regards, and one contributing factor is the fact that I have spent so much time being a single young adult. Everyone has their own journey, of course, so I can’t say that being single is a recipe for a perfect future relationship — it has taught me many beneficial lessons, though.

I don’t need you to fill the empty parts of me

When I was younger, I thought it was super romantic to see two people who are incomplete without each other, and who need each other to create one whole perfect entity.

This led me to feel completely consumed by my past relationship. As time passed by, I became less and less myself. I was very dependent on my boyfriend and his affection. When we broke up, my world shattered.

Who was I? I no longer knew. I felt lost.

But sometimes we need to get lost to find…



Denisa Cerna
Hello, Love

Freelance writer & bookworm writing on self-development, psychology, relationships, and more.