What Does a Good First Date Look Like?

Spoiler alert: It’s not going out for coffee or drinks.

Sajjad Choudhury
Hello, Love


Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels

When smartphones became popularised, they revolutionised how we communicated with each other. With their launch came social media platforms and a whole host of apps that allowed us to share our stories with the world.

But the changes came with a twist. The rise of dating apps meant that now, people could meet anyone anywhere and anytime. The trouble was, there was no way of knowing who the person on the other side was. Did they look like their pictures? Were they the same in real life as they were over text?

Although we’ve changed how we communicate, there is one thing that hasn’t changed, and that’s the way we date.

To be precise, it’s dating a person for the first time. Traditional methods of meeting dates are becoming rare, and so are traditional ways of doing the first date. A coffee date in the 1960s would’ve been a very different experience from a coffee date today. There would be no illusions, no texting games and no way to hide who you were as a person.

Not knowing much about a person can be a frightening experience for many. But what’s all this got to do with first dates and coffee anyway? And why do they no longer work as they once did?



Sajjad Choudhury
Hello, Love

Product Operations Lead @ Onfido | I create relationship wellbeing content, digital products and run an IG page. Check it out - https://linktr.ee/saish_coaching