What If We Appreciated Rather Than Tolerated Differences?

“If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful?” ~Oscar Auliq Ice

Crystal Jackson
Hello, Love
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2021


Photo by Ernest Brillo on Unsplash

I sometimes forget how safe and inclusive spaces feel. So often, instead of relaxing at playgrounds and watching my children, I’m on guard — ready to go into full Mama Bear mode at a moment’s notice. This isn’t who I used to be, but it is who I am now.

I just spent a long holiday weekend at a camp for children on the autism spectrum. It felt different, and it didn’t take long to see why. It was a safe space for all the children regardless of their support needs. I didn’t have to worry about my children being picked on or bullied because they’re a little different. They were accepted as they are.

Inclusive Vs. Non-Inclusive Spaces

At the same time, my children had questions about some of the higher support needs of children at the camp. They weren’t judgmental. They were simply curious. We talked about how noise-canceling headphones can help some children manage a heightened sensitivity to sound. Repetitive words and movements often help ease anxiety. My children took it in stride because I did. They already accept that the world is full of different kinds of people.

