What If You Find Love by Serendipity?

Poem about the mystic love, inspired by the movie “Serendipity”.

Srujani Shrawne
Hello, Love
2 min readFeb 19, 2024


Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Eyes alert,
The sight of a perfect fit, turn.
Game of pursuits,
Fancy suits.

Sudden stumble upon one-of-a-kind,
Perhaps, the universe has its own mind.
Not just affection,
Experience the cosmic connection.

For all your life you thought you thrived,
But with the soul connection, you learn what truly means to be alive.
Decades, miles far,
None keep the clairvoyance apart.

For once met the celestial twin,
Life’s on a crazy spin.
Delusioned, disoriented, like that of alien make,
Trying to make sense of this life’s take.

For the one unknown to these finds,
Think of these as nuts, out of their minds.
But for those who stumble on the shine,
To every sense, they turn blind.

The initiation of such love is a mystery,
It only happens by Serendipity.

What if you find such love but the love is oblivious to the possibilities?

What if you find such love, and the intensity of emotions sends love in turmoil, and choose to walk away from the love?

What if you find such love and build the strength to face the turmoil, do the inner work, and burn through the flames of the celestial forces, and emerge as purified beings, beings with purpose aligned to love and justify the existence of birth?

What if you learn to comprehend the forces of nature, accept the passion and the intensity, and accept the love that you found by Serendipity?



Srujani Shrawne
Hello, Love

I am an inquisitive soul, curiously exploring different aspects of life and sharing my interpretation of the world through poetic verse