What Is a Blind Date? 12 Things You Need to Know Before Your First One

Blind date tips for the successful single.

Qasim Adam
Hello, Love


Photo by Osarugue Igbinoba on Unsplash

A blind date can be a fun, new experience, or it can be a total disaster. If you’re thinking about going on one, here are 12 things you need to know first.

Blind dates can be great if you go into them with the right attitude and know what to expect. But if you’re not careful, they can also be pretty awkward and embarrassing. So, before you agree to go on a blind date, make sure you read this post first.

#1. What Is a Blind Date?

A blind date is when two people meet for the first time somewhere in public, usually at a pre-arranged time and place, with no one else there to introduce them. The idea is that they will decide if they want to go on another date or not after getting together once. If they do, they usually go on another date in the future.

#2. Why are They Called Blind Dates?

A blind date is called “blind” because neither person knows who the other one is until they meet them at the designated place and time. They each only have a description of the other person that they find out about ahead of time, usually from a mutual friend or matchmaker. Usually, each person is told the…



Qasim Adam
Hello, Love

Blogger, author, and freelancer. Top writer on Medium in Love, Life Lessons, Psychology, Parenting, and Relationships.