What Is Love Bombing and How to Avoid It?

Don’t rush into it.

Hello, Love
4 min readSep 14, 2022


Photo by Justin Follis on Unsplash

Love bombing is a new term used in the world of psychology that has been gaining a lot of traction in recent years.

It is not a new concept, but the term was first coined in the early 1990s by Dr. Lenore Eiseman.

However, it has been getting more attention in recent years because of the way it is being used by abusers.

So what is love bombing?

Love bombing is essentially when someone lavishes someone else with an excessive amount of love and affection.

This can be done through words, gifts, or acts of service.

The goal is to make the person feel loved and wanted and to make them feel like they are the only person in the world.

How Love Bombing is Different From Falling in Love

There are a few key things that distinguish love bombing from regular falling in love.

1. Love bombing is quick

Love bombing is often done very quickly.

It is not a slow process where two people get to know each other and develop feelings for each other over time.

Instead, it is an instant connection where the person is overwhelmed with feelings of love and affection.

2. It is without boundaries

Love bombing usually happens without any boundaries.

The person who is doing the love bombing will do whatever it takes to make the other person feel loved and wanted.

They may ignore their personal boundaries or cross lines that should not be crossed.

3. It is often one-sided

Love bombing is often one-sided.

The person who does the love bombing typically expects a lot back in return, while the person who is being bombarded with love typically does not expect or want it.

Why Do People Use Love Bombing?

Love bombers use this technique because they want to gain control over someone else.

They may be looking for a partner they can dominate or they may be looking for someone they can exploit sexually or financially.

Abusers often use love bombing as a way to get close to their targets and then start abusing them once they have gained their trust.

How Can You Protect Yourself From Being Targeted by a Love Bomber?

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from being targeted by a love bomber:

1. Be aware of red flags

If someone seems too good to be true, there may be something wrong.

Watch out for excessive compliments, gifts, or acts of service — especially if they seem to come out of nowhere.

Be wary of anyone who ignores your personal boundaries or crosses lines that should not be crossed.

2. Trust your gut instinct

If something feels off, it probably is. If you have a bad feeling about someone, listen to your gut and stay away from them.

3. Don’t move too fast

Take your time getting to know someone before you let them into your life. Don’t fall for the “love at first sight” trap — love takes time to develop.

4. Talk to someone you trust

If you’re not sure whether or not someone is love bombing you, talk to a friend or family member who can give you an objective opinion.

It can be helpful to get an outside perspective.

Final Words

Love bombing can be harmful and dangerous. If you think you are being love bombed, it is important to reach out for help.

Talk to a trusted friend or family member, or contact a support group or hotline. Remember, you are not alone.

Love bombing is a term used to describe an overwhelming bombardment of love and affection.

It is often done very quickly, without any boundaries, and can be one-sided.

Love bombers use this technique to gain control over someone else, typically for exploitative purposes.

It can be hard to see the signs of love bombing because it can be such an intense and all-consuming experience.

Often, the person being loved bombed will feel like they are the only person in the world and will do anything to make the other person happy.

This can be a very seductive experience and it can be hard to resist the charms of a love bomber.

However, it is important to remember that love bombing is not real love.

It is a manipulation tactic used by abusers to get close to their targets and then start abusing them.

If you think you are being love bombed, it is important to reach out for help.

Talk to a trusted friend or family member, or contact a support group or hotline. Remember, you are not alone.

Love bombers often use excessive compliments, gifts, or acts of service in order to target their victims.

It is important to remember that these extravagant displays of affection should not be trusted — they are often signs of manipulation and abuse.

