What Is the Key for a Healthy Relationship With Your Partner

Olga Olson
Hello, Love
Published in
6 min readDec 20, 2021
happy couple with healthy relationships
Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels

You enjoy the feeling of having somebody else in your life, but it can be a difficult relationship to maintain over time.

Although the idea might seem like a simple concept, many other factors play into how the chemistry of your partnership is going to be. The key to a healthy relationship with your partner is practicing empathy and understanding.

“The connections we build with others are critical to social, emotional, and physical health.”

Kendra Cherry in verywellmind

For example, when you realize that you are both on a similar wavelength, you’ll be able to prepare together for the eventuality of a fight. Maybe you aren’t best friends with your partner, but you’re close enough that if something goes wrong.

That is what healthy relationships are built on communication. Cherish the thought of your partner, because not only will they make all of your dreams come true, but they’ll also be your biggest cheerleader.

Relationships are never easy, but having a healthy one doesn’t have to be complicated.

Accept Your Partner’s Strengths and Weaknesses

I believe it’s very important to accept your partner as he is. There were many situations in my life when I dislike someone’s because of my personal bias.

For example, I hate smoking and drinking people, so when I date guys like that I always try to convey them to stop doing these things. While it might be good for their health, I might also consider that it’s not my body.

I’ll be happy if someone stops smoking, but obviously, I can’t order that on a first date.

We all are humans which means you and I should accept people with all strengths and weaknesses. In the end, we aren’t perfect also.

For example, I love really loud music, which my partner hates. While I don’t give up this bad habit I try to make my partner do something for me. It’s not fear to ask something from your partner when you aren’t ready to change yourself.

This is why it’s crucial to understand that your partner’s strengths and weaknesses are something you need to accept. Even if you dislike something, try to work together on the problem, but not demand or order.

Develop Common Interests

You both need time on your own and with friends, family, and colleagues. It will give you a foundation of who you are on your own so that you can develop a stronger sense of who you are together.

If you don’t have something in common with your partner, it’s time to build it.

I believe when I had a relationship with one of my partners, we had a great time playing tennis. When I broke out with him and met a new boyfriend, he hated tennis.

As a result, I needed to learn my new boyfriend’s interests better to find an interest that resonates with me. And I found. We started to do the gym together.

As you, having not only your interests, but common ones can make your relationships stronger. When you spend more time on one thing, you fulfill each other.

It’s so inspirational to do gym, tennis or any other activity together. If you love to experiment with sex positions — this is also your interest.

Just make research and understand what you both like to do. Once you found this thing, start practicing it immediately and enjoy the results you get.

Communicate Openly

Did you know that most problems in relationships start from being too quiet? No, I’m not talking about sex. What I mean is you both lack communication.

People used to think that relationships are based on sex. This is so not true. Instead, your relationships can start from physical attractiveness, but in the end, the base from your road to a bed was communication.

Talking about common interests, work, your life stories can be a start point for your relationships. It’s like a trigger that made you both interested in each other.

Rather than learn new sex poses and hope for long-term relationships improvement, it’s better to sit down together and discuss your problems.

Don’t be shy and tell even the most stupid problem. Believe it or not, but the closest topic is a sex one. So if you feel not confident during your sex, maybe it is worth talking to your partner, so you can find a solution.

It doesn’t mean that you or your partner is guilty of some actions. Maybe you have a pose that gives you physical discomfort.

Maybe you play tennis because of your partner but hate it. Reasons can vary, but the base of your problem is the same — it’s time to talk.

Be Responsible for Your Wellbeing

While your relationship is a great thing, sometimes partners may influence your mental health. It starts from small things, like your partner may ask you to not wear an open dress or useless make-up…

It doesn’t matter what he will ask from you. The result will be the same — you start feeling negativity in your wellbeing. You can’t start your day in a normal manner as it was before.

For example, I love to use make-up and look professional. Sometimes I wear very tight dress. My ex-boyfriend dislike the manner of my look and tried to change me.

I wasn’t ready for such a perspective in my life when someone say what to wear and how to behave. I broke with my ex. I was upset, but after a short period, I found a new boyfriend. He accepted me as I am without any restrictions.

As you can see, relationships can be an inspiration and demotivation simultaneously. You’re your boss in your life and only you decide what will happen with your well-being.

Know What Makes You Stick to Your Partner

You like your partner so much, and this is wonderful. Were you thinking about the things that made you stick with this person and start dating or even marrying?

It’s really important to understand what qualities in your partner attracted you to him. It’s not because you want to check if you love your partner or not.

Instead, your task is to strengthen your relationships. And here is how it works.

  1. Find the character qualities of your partner you love the most.
  2. Identify the top three of them.
  3. Make compliments to your partner whenever he shows these exact qualities.

When your partner will be rewarded with compliments because of a particular action, he’ll try to replicate this behavior again.

This cycling behavior will make your connection stronger and you never forget why you choose your partner. As a result, your partner’s qualities will develop to a new level so you’ll like him even more.

Be Willing To Improve Yourself

No one is perfect and we should all be willing to improve the quality of our life. This rule I always apply in my life. No matter how knowledgeable I’m today, I need to learn something new to be better tomorrow.

If you think that skills and knowledge apply to your career only — you’re wrong. Personal development is also important.

Imagine a situation when you have a problem but have not decided on it. It’ll stay as it is and won’t go. The same happens to your relationships. They need ongoing improvement.

Both you and your partner need to evolve and improve your mindset to strengthen your relationships.

While it can be a mental task, sometimes you can also improve your sex by learning new posses. It’s also self-improvement.

Think about areas you want to grow, find proper literature or video (or maybe course) and start the action.

If you want your relationships to be successful, you need to work on them.

Final Thoughts

Having healthy relationships is crucial for your life It’s something that makes you feel happy, and confident.

It’s like fresh air that drives you crazy. To keep you and your partner together, you both need to develop a strong connection and keep it healthy.

Communication, self-improvement, and listening are your friends to create strong and healthy relationships you both deserve.

Implement my tips in your life to feel even happier than you feel today.



Olga Olson
Hello, Love

Writer sharing thoughts on self-improvement and relationships. I’m a passionate life learner who shares personal experience for your growth.