What It Means When Someone Calls You A Vulture

Being at the right place at the right time but with malicious intent.

Tim Dahi
Hello, Love


Photo by AINNEK_HA

“Vulture” alone gives some idea. Like the patient and resourceful carrion feeder circling over the dead or dying, the relationship vultures in human form also hover over their victims waiting for the right moment to swoop in and take full advantage of their vulnerable state.

A relationship vulture is one who zeroes in to exploit the weakened emotional state of someone who is heartbroken. What the vulture does is, patiently bide their time on the outer edges waiting for the impending death of their prey’s romantic relationship, and then swoops in for the “leftovers”.

Now, relationships on the rebound do happen without the vulture element because exes do throw themselves headlong into new relationships immediately after a breakup without taking any time to resolve their feelings. So it is not always in such relationships that the new partner is a vile, scheming opportunist.

It is also good to point out that merely being “at the right place at the right time” does not necessarily make one a vulture because vulturing is really about deliberately taking advantage of someone who is vulnerable. Vulturing is more about the intent than it is about timing.



Tim Dahi
Hello, Love

Writer. Challenger. Live and let live advocate.