What It Was Like Dating a Really Attractive Man

The more other people started to notice him, the more paranoid I became.

L.J. Rose
Hello, Love


Photo by Charles DeLoye on Unsplash

It was like a scene from the movies.

My friend had dragged me to her running club meetup the summer of 2016. Running was not my forte. It’ll be fun, she said. Plus, there’s a lot of hot people there.

She was right.

We rolled up to the meeting spot and as we arrived, a guy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes turned his head and locked eyes with me. He shot me a smile and a nod.

I looked back to see if there was some beautiful woman he was looking at behind me. Nope. Just me. And when I looked back at him, he was chuckling and then he turned back to his conversation.

He was a beautiful specimen of a human. Tall. Fit. A perfect white smile. Muscular arms. And one dimple and a crooked grin.

He was totally out of my league.

On the run, we got to chatting and he told me he’d just moved to the city and didn’t know many people. I told him he should join me and my friend after the run for coffees. And that’s how our friendship started.

I became an avid runner after that. Every week, we’d run and catch up and soon we started spending time together on…



L.J. Rose
Hello, Love

Romance & fantasy novelist. I write mostly about love, dating, and gender roles. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lj_rose93