What Men Really Want in a Relationship But Don’t Say

There are obvious things like love, loyalty, mutual understanding. Then there are things we are not willing to say.

Sabana Grande
Hello, Love


Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash

These may all be personal kinks. I don’t know. I’m going to tell you right now that I know that I do not speak for the entire male gender. However, I do know a lot of guys who can relate to these things.

Without further ado, let’s get started with the things that we want in a relationship but won’t say.

1. That You Keep Our Vulnerable Secrets to Yourself

This one often surprises guys. They are truly in love with a girl who they feel matches their personality type and with whom they want to spend more and more time. Great news! She also feels that way about them. The guy may feel comfortable in sharing his emotional side with that woman. He is then surprised to find out that she blabbed it all to her friends. For instance, any time your guy says something romantic but borderline cringy which you liked, he will be hurt when he later finds out that you sent a screenshot to all your girlfriends.

You may have just done it with the best intentions. You may have felt good about your boyfriend loving you and wanted to share it — seeing…



Sabana Grande
Hello, Love

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