What To Do If You Find Your Relationship Unfulfilling

Hint — It may not be to walk away.

Ria Vanessa Caliste
Hello, Love
3 min readJun 9, 2022


Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

So, you got the relationship of your dream, and you feel as if you have transcended to another world.

Life couldn’t be more perfect.

The perfect home, the perfect job and now the perfect partner.

Friends who you may have interacted with are all placed in the remote distance as you enjoy this time with your partner.

You didn’t rush, you waited for the person that is right for you and so you feel fulfilled and content.

As time passes you notice the irksome ways of your partner, but just like you, you understand there isn’t a perfect partner. Just the right person for you.

You enjoy adventures together and it seems as if the universe is finally favoring you.

Eventually as time goes along, the excitement becomes common place, and you don’t find the relationship fulfils all the needs as it did at the beginning.

You become frustrated and consider ending the relationship.

However, you don’t want to be alone, but you consider the alternative of being in an unfulfilling relationship. You were convinced that this is the person right for you, yet how can you continue on?

Quite often this happens to all of us. We begin a relationship with someone and expect them to fulfil all our needs.

So often this is impossible and lends itself to undue pressure on the one expected to do so.

Relationships comprise of ebb and flow.

There are times it may feel stagnated and other moments it bubbles over with effervescent of life. Making decisions based on feelings, would mean you are changing relationships very often! Only eventually to arrive at the same place in all your relationships.

So next time you are in one and feeling unfulfilled at times consider this:

No one can make you happy all the time. They can contribute to your happiness, but they can’t be responsible for your happiness. You have to find your own happiness both as part of the relationship and as an individual.

Know who you are, outside and apart from the relationship. If you can’t answer this, it would be time to seek out new interest and hobbies apart from the relationship.

Depending on your partner to create exciting times puts all the responsibility on their shoulders. Consider creating fun adventure moments that are simple and cost effective that will surprise, yet strengthen the bond.

Maintain your friendships you had prior to the relationship. Make time for them as well. This helps to create balance and allows each of you time with others beside your partner and is necessary for an emotionally healthy relationship.

Value alone time and use this to grow as a person, this is most vital for the relationship survival. Sometimes people enter relationships because of fear of being alone. The only way to truly know yourself is to spend time with you. It helps you to see and understand you better and creates for healthy relationships.

Each of you have imperfections, understanding and allowing your partner to be human who can’t do everything perfectly right would ease your dissatisfaction and allow you to appreciate them more often.

Share your feelings using non-judgemental language. Sometimes we assume that our partner knows how we are feeling. While after a period of time in a relationship passes we may understand certain non verbal cues, your partner can’t read your mind and wouldn’t know what you are thinking without you sharing.

Relationships based on mutual love, allows for growing collectively in the relationship and also as an individual.

Any successful relationship requires effort.

However, no partner can be all things to anyone all of the time.

It would be exhausting and not allow for the natural flow in a relationship.

Maintaining your individual interest and friends apart from your relationship, growing as an individual and allowing your partner to be imperfect can starve off relationship dissatisfaction.



Ria Vanessa Caliste
Hello, Love

Engaging on a life long path of self discovery. Counselor, Writer for life. Connect with me at: axiomcounsel@gmail.com or www.axiomcounsel.com