What Women (Really) Want

It’s not complicated.

Crystal Jackson
Hello, Love


Photo by Bianca Berg on Unsplash

What do women (really) want? I could start with all the obvious things. Equal pay, reproductive freedom, inclusive beauty standards, the ability to go out in the world without fear of harassment, pockets. But what do women want in relationships?

This one seems to challenge the average man — at least, according to the women in my life and the ones I encounter online who date them. What we want is usually pretty simple. What we get, however, is often another story.

What Women (Really) Want

While I can’t speak for all women, I can share my experience and what I know from discussing this issue with others. Dating advice columns often want to make this complicated. They’ll tell you to play games to try to win her over, and they’ll even tell you how to go into hot pursuit. I won’t tell you any of those things because I understand already that advice like that is meant for people who still haven’t evolved into a healthy relationship mindset.

Let’s talk instead about what healthy women want to see in dating and relationships.

We Want Real Conversations

Let’s just start with the basics. When we’re dating, most women want potential partners who are capable of carrying on real conversations…

