What’s In Your Wallet?

Apparently something requiring explanation

Stuart Grant
Hello, Love


Photo by Michael Walter on Unsplash

I am much mocked by friends and family alike for having a George Costanza wallet. I seem to go through wallets quite quickly as a result my abusively overstuffing them. They tend to get filled until they explode in a blizzard of coins, credit cards, and receipts. Afterward, nothing is left but an overstretched leather corpse. My family gifts me new ones for birthdays and Christmas, seemingly out of sympathy. I’m always grateful.

Recently, I made the mistake of leaving my wallet in the bathroom. My full financial cyclone was on display for all to see. There stood the all important Tim Horton’s rewards card and the Air Miles collector card that mysteriously makes air travel more expensive than paying retail. Out spilled coins and receipts detailing my recent comings and goings.

We are an early rising household as my wife works a morning shift. I usually get up with her before she leaves. It usually takes me two coffees before I can utter a coherent sentence and even that’s no guarantee. Despite rising early, I am not a morning person. My wife, however, is just the opposite and functions well at daybreak.

I am just finishing an assignment where I had rotating shifts and my body clock was seriously out of whack as I faced the prospect of returning to a nine to…



Stuart Grant
Hello, Love

disparate parts coalescing toward a greater meaning in the pursuit of a fully realized life