What’s the Biggest Day for Ashley Madison?

Post Valentine’s Day remorse.

Hello, Love


Photo by alleksana from Pexels

Guess what is the biggest day to sign up on Ashley Madison?

February 15th.

The Day After’s.

So I posted an ad looking for a lover on February 15th.

My AD:

I already know what’s going to happen at home. I don’t need a crystal ball. It’s been like this for years. Perfunctory card in a red or pink envelope signed with my husband’s name — no additional sentiment. A dry peck on the lips (maybe) or a slight hug if I’m lucky (not usually).

Dinner at home because eating out on Valentine’s Day is a “madhouse and completely overpriced and not worth it.”

No flowers. Those are also “ridiculous.” “No one needs roses,” he said. “Especially on a commercialized Hallmark holiday.”

Candies, too. “I thought you were dieting.” Jewelry was out of the question. “You buy everything you want. You don’t need anything.”

A “thank you, honey,” and sleeping a mile apart as usual.

What I don’t know is you.

That’s what I’m looking for.

A man who’s done this before. Doesn’t need coaching. Long term preferably. No flakiness and no guilt. Darker…



Hello, Love

Adultery 101. Dead Bedrooms. Sex out of network. I am terrible and human. So are you. Editor of The Scarlett Letter | P.S. I Hate You | Sexpressions.