When They Don’t Love You Back

The bitterest love is the unreciprocated love.

George Blue Kelly
Hello, Love
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2021


Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

It is natural for us as humans to seek love, we want to be valued, appreciated, and feel needed. Now, this isn’t something we cannot get but many times it’s about who we want it from and if they are willing to give it to us.

Everybody has people in their lives who care and value them. But the love and support we get from our family don’t seem enough most times because we believe that they are obliged to love us. And valuing us is some form of duty.

So we want somebody outside of our family to make us believe that we are worth loving. It’s frightening what we’re willing to do to get others to approve of us. Editing our life stories. Cutting out the bad and ugly. Hiding behind filters. And trying to act a certain way because they said they like people who act like that.

It becomes hard when they don’t even notice us or treat us the same way. It’s heartbreaking to watch somebody talk to you in a way you’ll never talk to them. Their action robs it in that you mean nothing to them when to you, they mean the sun and nine planets.

While it’s okay to wait for people you want to be with, you should know that waiting is exhausting.



George Blue Kelly
Hello, Love

True stories of an immigrant from the shores of Sicily