All Narcissists Give This One Compliment

Warning: what it really means is you’ve just been assessed as a great source of supply

Hello, Love


Image by Zafer from Pixabay

Not too long ago, I wrote about a sexual assault I survived back in April 2020, you can read it here:

In the article, I explain when we met, how things lead up to my rape, and his confession to his crime.

You can

What I didn’t mention was something very specific he said to me about the reason why I was targeted in the first place. That was because I was saving it for this specific article.

It needed a moment of its own because what he said that day has been said to me by every single narcissist I have ever met — and you’ve heard it too.

What he told me was —

You know where you fucked up? Saying “hi” to me, smiling. You were too nice. That’s where you fucked up, you shouldn’t have done that. You shouldn’t have been so nice.”



Hello, Love

Evil prevails when good women write nothing. -LIN