When You’re Afraid to Lose the Person You Love, You Lose the Person You Love

You want so badly for a relationship to work, but somehow it blows up. Here’s why — and 4 steps to stop it.

Lee Bidoski
Hello, Love


Graffiti on a wall with the words “Why the constant fear” stencilled onto the wall
Photo by Simon Watkinson on Unsplash

I cried during my wedding.

Big, fat, snotty tears.

I never told my ex-husband, but the whole time we were standing up there being married, the words “Don’t f*** this up!” kept looping through my head non-stop.

It became a prayer. “Please God, don’t let me f*** this up.” The tears started dripping because I felt sure that somehow, some way, I was going to f*** this up, especially since I was using the f-word in a prayer.

I believed in that man. I believed in his goodness. I believed I was marrying the right man for all the right reasons, and all I could think of was how scared I was that I would jack it up.

Sure enough, I mucked it up in less than a year.

If we love someone so dang much, and we want so bad to keep them in our lives, how do we screw that up?

How does the fear of losing a relationship cause us to lose the relationship?

You’d think someone who is extra afraid of messing up would be extra careful to not mess it up, but that’s…



Lee Bidoski
Hello, Love

I’m a psychology professor trying to understand and improve our lives. Relationships | Dating | Health | Careers | Sports | Law Enforcement | Military