When You’ve Got a Gut Feeling About Someone, Listen to It Before Someone Gets Hurt

Scott Leonardi
Hello, Love
Published in
6 min readJan 26, 2023


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We had all the same interests.

We shared our hobbies and perspectives and questions about life.

We liked the same types of movies, books, shows, and were even interested in pursuing work in the same industry.

She was encouraging, receptive, and sweet. I did what all guys do when trying to woo a woman they met online and did my best to be funny, charming, and tried to not let on that I didn’t have my shit together as much as I wish I did.

Brick after brick of text was sent to one another as we each laid out as much about ourselves as we possibly could.

Yet, despite feeling as if she was checking every box on my unwritten list of potential partner qualifications, it still felt as if one or two huge boxes were left empty. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what they were at first, so to not feel as if I was being quick to judge or ungrateful, or like I had some sort of arbitrary and unknowable standards to meet, I let things continue to play out.

After a week or so of chatting over text and relating over nearly everything, I still felt as if something was absent from our interactions. As if the normal rapport two people might share over a drink at the bar still wasn’t showing up. I…



Scott Leonardi
Hello, Love

Paddling into the alphabet ocean, lookin’ to be a true scuba. Writer of stories, screenplays, poetry and more. All found at mossmansupreme.com