Where the Sexy People Like to Hang Out

Is there a place for eclectic, classy sexy people?

Chai Steeves
Hello, Love


Photo by Dave Lastovskiy on Unsplash

My wife and I and our close friends — we like nice things: long, oppulent meals with really good wine; craft cocktails with live jazz; 5 star resorts with private beaches; sunsets sails with champagne and skinny dipping. We’ve even been ‘those people’ who order gold leaf and serve it in champagne or martinis at cocktail parties.

We also like sex and sexy things. All of these ‘nice things’ we like, we ideally like them to have a bit of a sexy vibe to them. So, we’ve tried the ‘sexy’ things. We’ve gone to strip clubs, even researching the clubs that were supposed to be higher end or ‘couples friendly’. But they aren’t. Truth-be-told, we had a pretty good time, but they really were neither high end or couples friendly. We were imagining an environment were we could sit in a lounge area, have a cocktail and watch sexy, acrobatic dancers; and then maybe go to the champagne room for a private dance. It wasn’t this. It was a variation of this, but falling short. The clubs were a little seedy, the drinks a little watery, the dancers a little under-enthused to be there and a little quick to try to get you into the back room for a dance. It was still fun but not the indulgence we wanted.



Chai Steeves
Hello, Love

eclectic guy - likes sexuality, politics, business, relationships, celebrity trivia...