Why Alpha Males Have Become #1 Dating Red Flag According to Experts

Women are choosing beta men over alpha men.

Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love


Why You Shouldn’t Never Date a Self-Proclaimed Alpha Male
Image by freepik

Everyone has gotten the memo about the crisis in modern dating, except the alpha males. And when I say everyone, this includes kids and the elderly.

The internet is awash with videos of alpha males dating advice detailing how to treat women like objects and scam vulnerable men seeking sexual gratification from scrupulous women.

These set of men the “alphas” do not realize they are the reason young men can’t get dates, they are sex-starved, miserable and lonely.

While women on the other hand want to remain single and child free, creating a soft life for themselves so they don’t have to be answerable to any man.

Alpha men glorify toxicity and normalize the abuse of women. This all started with a self-proclaimed misogynistic influencer Andrew Tate who admitted that his webcam business was a “scam.”

Tate and his brother made millions from selling sob stories to vulnerable men and sexually exploiting women. He has been banned on several social media platforms for promoting hateful ideologies and teaching younger men to be violent and misogynistic.



Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: bit.ly/3j0Lm9Z