Why Are So Many Seniors Sapiosexuals?

It’s all In our heads!

Rhyena Halpern
Hello, Love


Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

In the online dating arena for us older folks- the ones who qualify for social security, let’s say- people who are turned on by intelligence are abundant.

Not only do they want but they also need someone who is very smart. It ignites the largest sex organ in the human body, the brain.

I always liked smart, intelligent people before but now it is a dating ‘must have’. Without it, things fizzle out pretty fast.

The thing about being intelligent is that it means you have a high capacity for understanding. They can synthesize information, make deductions or inductions, come up with new connections and intersections, and all of that is a turn on!

But perhaps the best part of that ability to understand deeply is that it is adjacent to beautiful human qualities such as humility, empathy, compassion and caring. Very bright people — if they are open hearted too- are true humanistics, who value kindness and service and love too.

So when I say I am a sapiosexual, I mean that I find smart people who possess the ability to understand deeply whatever comes their way, who are aware and responsive emotionally, who care about repair of our broken, tender world, to be a turn on, I mean that neurologically I can develop a deep…



Rhyena Halpern
Hello, Love

Proud member of 60+ women who are having the best sex of their lives club. Writes on Sex & Relationships, Wellness, Healing, Wise Eldering, Death & Dying.