Why Dates Are Good for Married Couples

Dating satisfies parts of both the male and female brain.

Stu Gray
Hello, Love


Photo by Wiktor Karkocha on Unsplash

My first date with Lisa wasn’t supposed to be a date.

Dave Matthews Band was coming to town.
She needed a ticket, I had an extra.

We were business acquaintances, and I was providing the ticket, so she said she’d buy dinner. Funny thing: She didn’t actually want to see Dave Matthews Band – she wanted to see the opening band, Vertical Horizon.

We had such a good time at dinner, we missed Vertical Horizon!

I can’t tell you much about Dave Matthews Band either, because we spent the whole night talking, laughing, and finding out about one another.

We’ve been together ever since.

We love telling that story because:
1. It’s unexpected… and
2. It has all the elements of what makes a great date.

It’s simple — Dates are good for your marriage

I’ve written about dating your spouse before.

  • It’s important.
  • You should be consistent about it.
  • You have to decide as a couple when and…



Stu Gray
Hello, Love

I encourage challenge and inspire married couples to have STUPENDOUS marriages! https://stupendousmarriage.com/signup