Why Dating a Single Mum May Not Be Your Thing

She’s got a lot on her plate, so dating her won’t be the same as regular dates.

Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love


Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

Not too long ago, around mid-February, one of my juniors approached me, seeking advice on what it was like to date a family man. He assumed since I was a single mom and date dads too often, I was the best person to advise on such a matter.

To be honest, I was flattered by his sincerity and forwardness. But I was also embarrassed to learn my dating style is quite perceptible to other people.

I tried to breach the subject as sensitive as I could because I could see this young man was already in love with a single mom, and he wasn’t looking for advice to talk him out of it. It was more like he needed someone to give him a “go” signal.

As much as I would like to leave out the bad, I couldn’t. He needed to know what he was bargaining for to save him from the usual “had I known” we single moms are fed up with. I also wanted to save the single mom he was interested in from the headache of dating an immature man.

As single parenting becomes more and more common, many stereotypes about single mothers have become increasingly inaccurate.

Much of what people assume about the typical single mom is false or ridiculous…



Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: bit.ly/3j0Lm9Z