Why Dating Wrong People Is Not a Waste of Time

Did they make you happy?

Diana Bernardo
Hello, Love


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I’ll admit it: I have a few failed relationships on my portfolio already.

But I don’t regret any of them.

One idea that always both intrigued and enraged me was the notion that being in a relationship with someone who is not “the one” is a waste of time.

Waste: an unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc”, according to the Cambridge dictionary.

So how, exactly, would we consider a relationship a “waste of time”?

A. If it was unnecessary? Well, in technical terms, all relationships are unnecessary. We have them because we enjoy them. Right?

B. If it was wrong? How can a relationship be wrong? There are a few possibilities here: if there is any kind of abuse, physical, emotional, or otherwise. If you bring each other more pain than joy. If you harm each other and your lives are worse together than apart.

But most times, this is not what happens, is it? Relationships are good, they bring you joy, they make you happy. But, sooner or later, they come to an end. While this is usually painful, does it mean it shouldn't have existed in the first place?

