Why Do People Get Married?

Why do people get married? This is the question that I have been wondering for a long time now.

Harshitha Kankanala
Hello, Love
3 min readOct 11, 2023


Why do people get married?
This is the question that I have been wondering for a long time now.

When someone asked Gautama Buddha “Do we need a companion in life?” his answer was “It’s better to walk alone, than to walk with a fool”

In my opinion if you find a similar fool, then it is not such a bad idea but in recent times most people stopped believing in marriage.

Even I thought it was just a legal stamp for two people to stay together, but I have found a lovely description of marriage in the movie Shall We Dance?

It says “People get married because we need a witness to our lives. There are a billion people on the planet, what does anyone’s life really mean? But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things, all of it, all of the time, every day.

You’re saying ‘Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed because I will be your witness.”
I think that is one of the most beautiful descriptions of marriage I have ever heard.

All of us today have so many friends, acquaintances, and colleagues. Our lives are awfully busy. We have thousands of online connections and followers but finally out of these people, but who really cares about every small thing that happens in our lives?

Whether you are looking especially tired today, whether you have had a proper meal, or whether you caught your bus or train on time? How did the meeting with the boss go or how was the play date where you took your daughter? Who cares?

At the end of the day, it is only your spouse, as Ms. Sarandon says so well, who is truly interested in the mundane everydayness of your life because they have a share in it. I think having that mutual involvement is what gives meaning to our lives…. And that is really what a good marriage is all about.

When is the right time?

When you were fourteen years old, If someone had asked you about marriage, you might have been a little shy but when you were 21, you suddenly become against Marriage because it seem like a bondage and a chain at that time or you are thinking of free sex and everything.

I think the right time to get married is when your experience of life is just pleasant by yourself, when you are happy with what you are in life because you can’t be a person full of problems, pains and expect somebody to lean on.

How to find the right person?

If you believe that there is one person out there in the world who is perfect fit for you, a person with whom you will have a lifelong bond- Your Soulmate.

I hate to burst your bubble, but that’s never going to happen. There is no perfect person made for you in the world but if you love someone you will learn to love everything about the person and make it work.

Instead of finding the right person try to be the right person yourself.

They say that marriages are made in heaven. It is just that some people turn it into hell — Sadhguru



Harshitha Kankanala
Hello, Love

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