Why I Respect Myself First In My Marriage

Self-respect allows for respect to be earned from others.

Katharine Chan
Hello, Love
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2021


Photo by Chandra Daru Nusastiawan on Unsplash


Find out what it means to me

Cue Aretha, please.

As a teen, my dad and I were like oil and water. I was never Daddy’s little girl. We would often fight about cleaning my room. It always started with him moving my stuff and me not being able to find it in my room.

I would yell at him for invading my privacy. Then he would say that I didn’t 尊重 (respect) him.

Then I would talk back and say that he didn’t 尊重 (respect) me. Then it would escalate about how it’s his house and I’m under his roof.

Then I would be like, “I can’t wait to move out.” Then he would go, “Wait until you’re a parent.”

Then I would run to my room and slam the door.

Rinse and Repeat

Where am I going with this story?

I needed to learn how to respect myself before earning my Dad’s respect. I had a messy room because I didn’t respect myself enough to take care of my own living space.

As I grew up, I learned why I needed to clean (albeit I still have my messes) and I learned to respect myself by picking up after…



Katharine Chan
Hello, Love

Sum (心, ♡) on Sleeve | Author. Speaker. Wife. Mom of 2 | Embrace Culture. Love Yourself. Improve Relationships | sumonsleeve.com/books