Why Men Aren’t Flirting With You

Some red flags dudes may see that you don’t.

Ella F.
Hello, Love


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I’ve often heard the phrase, “It’s so hard to meet guys.” Or similar sentiments from my lovelorn friends. Yet there are so many people looking for love in the same city, town, or small English hamlet. So from where does this belief that it is impossible to meet anyone in the real world arise? Have you ever felt the same way?

Sorry to break it to you, but you are mostly likely part of the problem. Without meaning to you’ve sabotaged your chance at a meet-cute outside of a dating app. But with a few adjustments to your behaviors, you can improve your chances of attracting Mr. Right.

You need to expand your search outside of your comfort zone

You know all the guys at your usual haunts. So why are you still looking there? Make an effort to get out of your comfort zone to meet new prospects. I would avoid attending an activity you hate, as you might telegraph annoyance instead of joy which makes men less likely to come over and say, “Hi!” For example I will never look happy while hiking, that’s a fact. My thunderous expression is man-repellent.

But if that’s your thing, go with a group for a walk up a mountain. Take a museum tour. Join a cooking class. There are plenty of…



Ella F.
Hello, Love

Bibliophile and lover of words. Interested in business, relationships, self and life lessons.