Why More Men Are Turning to Sugar Babies for Companionship

Liliana Andrino
Hello, Love
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2023


Looks can be deceiving, so be careful what you call sugar. | Photo by Pavel Neznanov on Unsplash

Most people are familiar with the term “sugar daddy.” It usually means an older, often wealthy man who is in a relationship with a much younger partner (either a girl or a boy).

By the same token, the term “sugar baby” means a young person who gets pampered, whether in financial or other ways, in exchange for their companionship.

There’s reportedly been a recent rise in men turning to sugar babies for companionship.

Many people might snicker at this and say, “That’s nothing new.”

And it’s true, to a certain extent. This kind of relationship has been around for a long time. But have you ever wondered why this happens?

The most obvious answer is an exchange of favors. Each person has something the other wants, and they trade for it. Youth and beauty for money and security. This much is an established fact.

But not all sugar daddies are rich, just as not all sugar babies are desperate for money. In fact, many young women who date older foreign men are educated and employed.

So what’s really going on here?

While the typical sugar daddy + sugar baby dynamic still exists, many couples have evolved from their stigmatized beginnings.

The sugar daddy isn’t just some dirty old man with money to burn chasing young women anymore. Nowadays, they’re men who have taken to traveling to find the kind of woman who can appreciate them and treat them with respect.

These women just happen to be young, and often less economically established than them.

The clue to the question why more men are turning to these “sugar babies” is in the moniker: sugar.

They’re looking for women who can be sweet to them. They’re looking for romance and affection. Love was once real and life was once sweet to these men and they want to go back to the good old days.

These sugar babies give them that.

What do these women get in return? Surely, they’re just after money and a better life.

A better life is a good reason for anyone to do anything short of crime, now, isn’t it? But for these women, they’re also looking for men who are manly.

Many of these sugar babies come from financially poor countries and backgrounds. They’ve experienced the harsh reality of life from an early age. For many of them, they’ve been saddled with responsibilities even as young girls.

It’s little wonder that, as adults, they look for the kind of men who can provide and care for them in ways that they yearned for when they were young. Is this just an extended form of daddy issue? Not quite.

This is a form of womanhood that looks to a future where constantly being the strong, dependable one isn’t what’s expected of them. They’re women who want and try to be feminine as much as they can.

They’ve learned that it’s safe to be soft and vulnerable around men who are willing to stand by them. Men who aren’t afraid to be the strong and dependable ones.

Men like the ones commonly mistaken for sugar daddies.

Men who need to be loved and respected choose women who need for their softer side to be cherished. That’s it. That’s the backstory of the so-called sugar daddy and sugar baby “controversy.”

They’re just people who found love and companionship on opposite ends of the world and, sometimes, of age. They’re just people who are together because they’re willing and able to fulfill each other’s perfectly human needs for a lifetime.

That’s not a mere transaction. That’s a relationship.

Try not to get salty about someone else’s sugar rush.



Liliana Andrino
Hello, Love

Professional Dating Coach, Writer, and Mentor for https://davaowomen.com/ I am an advocate for love that goes beyond borders.