Why the Smoking Hot Single Woman Only Wants You When You’re Married

But will dump you when you ditch your wife for her.

Leah Njoki
Hello, Love


Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

“You wanted me unavailable.” He said, slumping into the chair as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

“She got this side of you.” She said, breathing hard and wiping her foaming mouth.

That sealed their heated argument. And sealed their breakup.

Which was weird because wasn’t this what they’d wanted all along? All those stolen moments making love in hotel rooms with obscure names in the middle of nowhere. All those late-night phone calls when he sneaked in the bathroom with the lights off, thinking his wife wouldn’t smell a rat.

Only she did. A wife always knows.

Yet, when it came down to it, when he finally pulled the plug on his marriage, a different wind started to blow. The excitement and passion dwindled. Where did all that scorching heat between the sheets go?

What he didn’t know was that she desired him only because she couldn’t have him. He was more attractive and exciting that way.

But this? This she didn’t want. So she ended it, throwing him out with the trash.



Leah Njoki
Hello, Love

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