Why We Stop Loving

For the same reason why we love: we can’t help it.

Ioana Andrei
Hello, Love


Photo by Lisheng Chang on Unsplash

‘Why do I love you?’

… I would ask as we were brushing our teeth together.

I wasn’t asking him. I was sending it out into the universe.

I have no expectation that we, as humans, can understand the true depth of love.

We can try and outline its shadow, yes.

We may infer what it feels like from films and novels.

We may briefly brush against its surface through sensuality.

We may even merge lives in its name.

And we still wouldn’t understand love.

‘Why do I love you?’

He mimicked my frequent use of the question when we playfully exchanged personalities on a rainy Saturday.

I heard the absurdity in my own enquiry.

Yet I tried to answer.

Why do I love you?

Kindness, enthusiasm, energy, connection, listening, innovation, curiosity, creativity, playfulness, rebellion, intelligence.

And many other things which, if listed with bullet points, would keep you scrolling for days.

