Why Your Life Will Suck If Your Relationship Sucks

The best relationships are not magically great, they’re great because the people in the great relationships worked at them to make them great.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Jamie Rea

If you don’t put any work into your relationship, your relationship will suck.

If you take your relationship for granted, your relationship will suck.

If you simply expect your relationship to be awesome, your relationship will suck.

If you take take take from your relationship but never give to your relationship, your relationship will suck.

If you think your career is more important than your relationship, your relationship will suck. And your career will suck also.

And most definitely, if your relationship sucks, your life is going to be ONE GIANT SH*TTY SUCK FEST.


Yet, there are so many people who just EXPECT awesome relationships without putting the work in to create awesome relationships.

Put it this way: your primary romantic relationship sets the tone for every other relationship in your life.



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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