You May Be Unknowingly Blocking Love. Here Are 3 Steps to Allow It In

You’ve spent all your time and energy looking but nothing is happening.

May Pang
Hello, Love


Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

“Dan, you’re not ready for love,” I chided, only half-jokingly.

“What do you mean? I literally spend all my time on dating apps, going on dates, chatting with girls. It’s on my vision board. I have even been writing affirmations and meditating on it for months now. How much more ready could I be?” he responded, not jokingly at all.

Dan had reached out to me because he had been trying to find a stable relationship for about a year. He was attractive, athletic, and financially well-off so he had no problems getting dates with great women but somehow, they never work out. They seem to have a great time, and then inevitably, the women would call it off with some variation of, “You’re great but I don’t think this is going to work out.”

Dan always walked away confused. When he described his last few dates, I understood why right away. Although he certainly had more than enough desire to have a relationship, he certainly had not created space for a relationship in his life.

What did I mean by this? Let’s dive a little deeper into Dan’s story.

Block 1 — Emotional



May Pang
Hello, Love

Combining Storytelling with Science. Communication & Connection Coach. Would love to hear from you!💗 💙 Based in Boulder, CO.