You Might Fall Out of Love With Your “the One” and That’s Okay

Most importantly, you shouldn’t feel guilty about it.

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love


Photo by Masha Raymers in Pexels

Imagine the following scenario with me. You’ve been dating for a long time and haven’t yet managed to find someone who was a “perfect” fit for you. Then, one day, you meet someone with whom you instantly “click”.

You share the same interests, mindset and have similar life goals. They always make you feel like you’re a priority. They’re loving, caring, funny, clever. Of course, they have a couple of flaws as well (no one is perfect, after all) but all their flaws combined are nothing in comparison with their strong points.

You can’t believe your luck. You’ve finally found “the one”!

As weeks, months, and years pass by, however, your feelings start to change. As sometimes happens in life, you realize that you’ve fallen out of love with your partner. And even though falling out of love is an inevitable part of living, you notice you feel guilty, confused, and scared.

You can’t help but a) wonder how can you feel this way when the person standing right in front of you has all the attributes you’ve been searching for in a partner and b) think that you’ll never find someone like them again.



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: Newsletter + more: