You’ll Be Shocked to Know Why More Women Are Opening Their Marriages

We are moving towards a society where everyone is dating openly.

Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love


Why More Women Are Suggesting Open Relationships
Image by freepik

At first, I thought Susan was being sarcastic when she told me she had discussed opening her marriage with her husband.

Not only was she serious, I was shocked to know that most open marriages were initiated by women. It seems traditional marriage is no longer fulfilling and we are slowly drifting to the polyamorous route.

You see, I’m a solo polyamorist. But I still believe in the sanctuary of monogamous marriage. I have also written why I would rather open my marriage than get a divorce.

However, when married folks say monogamous makes them miserable, we are left wondering how things got this far and what we can do to save their marriages from falling apart.

After a decade of barriers, a beautiful marriage, a stunning physical shape, a successful career, and a luscious lifestyle, Susan’s body and heart yearned for true liberation.

She loves her husband. Their relationship is great. He’s loving and understanding and always brings new excitement to their sex life.

However, Susan missed the novelties of new relationships. She missed getting dressed for a special date, the…



Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: