You’ll Never Find the Courage to Approach a Woman if You Think She’s Superior to You: Day 2

Ciaran Callam
Hello, Love
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2023


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Day 2 of this 6-day challenge is here, and in the immortal words of the great Kurt Angle:

“It’s true. It’s damn true.”

You might not know this, but when you’re afraid to approach a woman, you think she’s getting less from the interaction than you. On some level, you think she’s like the beautiful princess of Agrabah, and you’re some lowly pre-magic lamp-having street rat.

You think you’re taking value but have none of your own to offer, so you’re nervous. It’s pretty sweet because it shows you don’t want to rip this poor woman off and give her a bad deal. But all the sweetness in the world won’t put her details in your phone or make her your girlfriend. You need to actually find the balls to walk up and say hello.

So that’s what today’s post is all about. Watch the video below if you don’t feel like reading, and check out part 1 below if you haven’t done so.

You ready?

Here come the pain!



Ciaran Callam
Hello, Love

6X top writer who helps men create the dating lives of their dreams. I’m also an author of female empowerment novels. I guess I’m an enigma.