Your Ex Calls You Crazy. Here’s What It Says About Them.

Most people don’t act “crazy” for no reason.

Ellen Nguyen
Hello, Love
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2021


If your ex-partner has mental and emotional issues, it’s not on you, of course, unless you effectively cause or worsen it. But if you go out of your way to call your ex-partner “crazy”, you definitely need to take a look at yourself.

Calling your ex “crazy” or having a “crazy ex” is a known red flag in the dating world because the term “crazy” says more about the person who uses it than the described.

After all, most people don’t act “crazy” for no reason, especially when they’re usually high-functioning adults with jobs and families. They might act “crazy” because they’re hurt and their sense of dignity and power has been stripped away from them by the person who now calls them “crazy.”

Regardless, labelling someone negatively out of context is never a good thing. After all, what is “crazy” and who decides “crazy” or “normal”?

So, if you’re called “crazy” by an ex, think you might have acted “crazy” with an ex, or now dating someone with a so-called “crazy ex”, here are 4 possible insights about them:

1. They’re emotionally and culturally stunted.



Ellen Nguyen
Hello, Love

Freelance writer & digital creator | London based | Psychology BSc. Editor of, empowering women.