Your Girlfriend Has Guy Friends: Cause for Concern?

Jamie Rea dispels the myth that women in relationships shouldn’t hang out with other guys.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

By Jamie Rea

Can girls and guys be just friends? In a word — yes. But it depends on the situation, the dynamic and the history of the friendship. There’s a long list of variables that come into play and determine what type of friendships are appropriate when you’re in a relationship.

Here are 6 of the most common situations and how a guy should deal with them:

The Guy From Her Group

If your girlfriend has a large crew of male friends that are close to her group of girls, then she’ll frequently be in their company. It’s going to be in your best interest to befriend her guy friends and get to know them.

Tip: If you aren’t the extreme jealous type and think you can handle it, this can actually be a good situation as it shows your girlfriend is chill enough to be one of the guys. But before you get too comfortable, make sure there isn’t any sexual history you should know about.

Cause for Concern: Medium

The Long-Standing Male Friend



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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