HelloHackers — A peek into SmartReality

Nitin Joseph
4 min readApr 21, 2016


Smart Phones - Just not smart enough anymore

The digital revolution has taken over our world with the onset of mobile phones that can do so much more than just keeping us connected to our loved ones. That little device in your pocket has to wears a ton of hats by being your alarm clock, fitness tracker, shopping guide, pen-paper replacement, music device, time killer, time saver, personal photographer, portable mirror, getting information from the other side of the globe and it does it all on a daily bases. (well until the battery runs out of-course :p ) But getting information on a rectangular palm sized screen is just too mainstream now. Why bother going through the following mundane procedure hundreds of times a day just to get access to whatever you wanted:

  • Pulling the bulky slab out of your pocket,
  • Waking it up,
  • Unlocking it,
  • Getting to the rightly suited app for the information you want

In short why do we have to ask for the information from our “devices”? than it just being readily available in our natural field of view just as any other everyday object like a chair, your closet, your mirror etc.

Mind Boggling isn’t it? While it may seem like a dream to you. We got to experience it first hand in the latest installment of hello-hackers.

Our presenters asked us to install their app Monuments available on the Google Play-Store. It is a proof of concept version that can display interactive objects in the real world view on any smartphone. Getting not only introduced to this new technology but experiencing it was mesmerizing for our community as the developers enlightened us to the various possibilities that can be brought to life today.

Monuments — by High Entropy
The target on the left and the view within the phone on the right.

Its Boundless Capabilities

A Virtual Shoe — helps you check the style and size without even trying it out!

From virtually trying out clothes and shoes online before buying to aid visually impaired people via reading text out aloud or describing pictures in a book or on a wall. With such magnitude of diverse possibilities we can safely assume that Augmented Reality is not only the future but it will run parallel very comfortably with our “mainstream reality” very soon. The most compelling and amazing fact was that the objects presented were 3D in nature so that the user feels most natural while using the tech. For Example: The shoes can be viewed from any angle while “virtually” trying them out!

The Masterminds Behind The Curtains

Live Demonstration of the project

Raunaq Singh , a techie since childhood, was building websites while in his seventh grade! worked on Android Development before joining Smartivity as an intern where he got inspired to make these project with his mates for fun and to participate in hackathons.

Ashish Gulati , another techie who also worked as in intern with Smartivity and a college mate of Raunaq Singh.

They both developed the app with the help of another friend who according to them is also responsible for the naming of the products!

While, Microsoft is working hard day and night to bring Augmented Reality to mainstream consumption by building a polished product called HoloLens and Magic Leap, worlds most secretive funded startup pushing the boundaries of all possible ways augmented reality could be bought into the real world what we got to see was a raw glimpse into the future that is of Augmented Reality!

His team mate Ashish Gulati explaining the tech-side of the product
Group Pic!! :)

The evening ended with us taking a group picture as our tradition is to do so! Thank You!

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Written by Nitin Joseph - intern at HelloMeets (HelloHackers - Had my eyes opened to a new way of looking at things :p )

