How to get good at Copywriting📝

Sahiba Sethi
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2020

What did I do? Practise, Practise, Practise…

Why did I consider learning Copywriting and investing time in it?

  • It all started with my need —

At HelloMeets we do tons of meetups every month. Our meetup creatives and the content written on them has to be sellable — Headline, each word and line make a difference.

And until last year, we were not doing it right every time.

When I saw a few meetups getting cancelled & some doing well after coming up with another poster with different content — I thought well, this is an extremely important thing to FOCUS on & sort for long-term.

NOT ONLY ME, Why should everyone invest in copywriting?

  • You get to know how to get things done from the person you are writing to
  • You get more YES’s in life
  • It is used everywhere — your emails, presentations, posters
  • Even while writing simple one line texts on chat, you can make people do what you want them to, if you know what you should write and how
  • Your capability to ask good questions increases
  • You think better
  • As an Entrepreneurs, It's a good add on

What did I do to become better?

  1. Started googling “Copywriting” and I was very lucky to come across quality people like Dave Gerhardt, Head of Marketing at Privy and ex-Marketing Head, Drift.

We have a lot of sources online and not every source is good. Choosing the right person on google is also a skill.

Through his videos, I learnt some fundamentals of writing a good copy, like:

a) Write as you talk

b) Write simple

c) Good copywriting isn’t about grammar, it's about your using your audience words

2. Through Dave Gerhardt, I came to know about the best-copywriting books and I immediately bought them.

Spent around INR 7500 on them. Sharing so that you are encouraged to spend on learning 😊

Here are the books I bought:

a) Ogilvy on Advertising (Vintage)

b) The Copywriter’s Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Copy That Sells

c) The Boron Letters

I read mostly, The Copywriter’s Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Copy That Sells (40% of it). It is the most actionable one.

The other two, I haven’t read much but have kept them for reference and others to use.

That was it. I did only this much content consumption and kept applying the learnings directly to work.

3. The major credit goes to the huge opportunity I had to put my learning into practice —

We were making around 15–20 posters every month and I was creating content for all of them from September 2019 to December 2019.

That’s why I started the blog with Practise, Practise, Practise…

4. Once you decide to improve then your whole mindset shifts — you start looking at everything differently

I started observing the content on cream & shampoo bottles.

Look below how clearly they write what will make you buy.

5. Top-selling books description on Amazon

This really helps. Try and observe what they write. They are meant to make us buy and are a really good example of a good copy.

USER RESEARCH — helps you in writing well, building better products & services & improving the experience of your customers.

  • We talk to our users on call regularly and ask them a lot of questions w.r.t what they do, want to become and for what they come to HelloMeets and what they like.

Key Points to keep in mind:


(words that get repeated can be used in the copy. Patterns will help you in improving more than content at your startup)

Some key points to write well:

  • Give as much clarity as you can. Think from other person perspectives.
  • Cut each extra words which don’t have any purpose in your copy.
  • Give less importance to grammar and more to what people understand and talk like
  • Be specific — Mention the audience clearly. Even if its for a very niche audience. Let it get cut and reach out only those who can value from what you are offering.

P.S. There are lots of lessons on copywriting on the net. Practice makes all the difference.



Sahiba Sethi

Founder & CEO, HelloMeets ( Helping people from startups meet & learn at online & offline meetups across the globe.