What is MISSING in your Sales Strategy ?

Zitni Zun
Published in
4 min readMay 4, 2018

When your selling success rate is not on a rise, you think you’re going down, that your business doesn’t stand a chance. What you need to understand is that this isn’t the medieval period where the conventional selling methods will work.

You cannot sell without engaging with the customer, directly or indirectly.

In a HelloMeets Facebook live session, Kiley Doll, Director & VP Business Development at Goodman Lantern, emphasized on the importance of believing in the product you are selling. If you’re selling a fruit juice, then believe in it. Believe in what you are creating. Sure there are many competitors in the fruit juice market. Hell, they may even have the same recipe as you!

But to project yourself as The One, you must be certain of yourself and through your words you should show that you care for the customer. Before buying into your product, the customer should be able to buy into you.

Selling what you believe in

Example: Imagine yourself as a fruit juice business owner and try selling yourself a can of coke. Come up with arguments in favor of it and bring that slight sense of appeal in your voice as you sell it. Tell yourself how much you savored the coke till the end.

You can’t do it. You know why? Because you are into the healthy, fruit juice business. You don’t believe in the idea of coke being the ideal drink. And because of that, you will have a hard time selling what you yourself don’t feel is right.

The aim of your sales strategy should be to understand your prospects so well that your product fits them and sells itself.

Say your product is golf balls. You call up tons of people to sell your golf balls but if they don’t need your golf balls, they won’t purchase. How do you make them need it? It’s almost like trying to sell a comb to a bald man. If your proposition doesn’t create the necessity to purchase, then it’s a waste of time.

Facebook Live session

Most marketers lack customer data to properly conduct the marketing campaigns.Why are you throwing in all your resources for nothing? Without doing the ground research right you will have an unstable foundation. So put in your maximum effort in knowing your potential customer well.

And how can you do that?

  • Research on social media (especially LinkedIn and Facebook) and find out what business they are into.
  • Google them and read what categories of results show up.
  • Ask them questions: Do they like golf? Where do they live? Any special interest perhaps?
  • Make appealing suggestions to them.

Even if you don’t sell that day, it makes the second phone call a lot easier. This time you won’t have to think of ice-breakers. You can put your proposition easily.

The next step is campaigning. Start with building a portfolio of excellent Buyer’s Personas for extra advantage. Why are Buyer’s Persona necessary?

  • Identify the needs of a consumer
  • Understand how prospects make a purchasing decision
  • Understand lines of communication they use to purchase
  • Write appealing content
  • Segment prospects correctly

After doing your ground work, start building the step-by-step process for your campaign. Personally, I feel the campaign should never miss the following:

1.) Provide value

Communicate to potential customers, the ways your business can provide value to them. E-mail campaigns are still the №1 way to contact your leads. Do not e-mail spam. Kevan Lee put together the best e-mail marketing strategies that will make you reconsider your e-mail approach.

2.) Share knowledge

Share something valuable to them, perhaps through a webinar.

3.) Share unique information/offer your perspective

Your insight on various problems can help customers. Share such information on free.

4.) Test variables

When you are setting a campaign, same approach to reach different audiences won’t work so you must test variables such as, Social Media mix, CTA, tone, language, how often to message etc.

5.) Make a system

It’s very important for people to get their systems in place. You can always get the leads you want in that way. But what makes a difference is how you make use of those leads, how appropriately you adjust them in your system.

6.) Segment Right

When you have created segments of people, put them in the appropriate campaigns and launch your campaign!

7.) Get Local

Local SEO in your prospecting campaign is a great technique for marketing presence. Some hyper local SEO engagement links, posts, and outreaches that you have been doing are always an add-on to the campaign.

EVEN then, if a prospect doesn’t buy your product today, your long-term relationship with them has got you few brownie points and a great, big sale tomorrow!

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Zitni Zun

Weaving stories *_* All about writing, books, and nomad adventures! Content Writer and Curator at HelloMeets