It’s amazing how this community has taken shape

Rachel Vinciguerra
Hello Neighbor Network
3 min readAug 18, 2023

This letter was originally published in the Hello Neighbor Network newsletter. You can subscribe to the Network newsletter here.

Good morning!

Rachel here, writing to you from our offices in Pittsburgh. For those I haven’t met, I’m the Director of National Programs for the Hello Neighbor Network.

When I joined the Network in 2020, it was a strong group of 8 nonprofit leaders from across the U.S. — our founding members. I won’t forget our first Convening together in Pittsburgh at City of Asylum. Since then, the Network has grown so much:

  • More than 60 nonprofit organizations across 26 states
  • Distributing over $300,000 in Resilience Grant funding
  • Hosting four annual Convenings
  • Dozens of coffee hours and Zoom sessions
  • And even more personal phone calls, Slacks, and meet-ups between members than we can count (or even know of!)

It’s amazing how this community has taken shape.

But I want to share a little this morning about how I got here.

My first job out of college was as a volunteer coordinator at a nonprofit for kids in Haiti. I loved that job–learning Kreyol, starting a girls’ program, assisting medical teams, collaborating with local staff on events, working with international volunteers–it was a turning point for me. And it kicked off a decade-long career in nonprofits.

Working in nonprofits was really important work that I loved. But there were long hours, low pay, and never enough resources. I burnt out and I needed a change.

I applied to a bunch of corporate jobs, but threw in one nonprofit for good measure. One I thought was doing things differently.

Of course I ended up working there (and, of course, it’s Hello Neighbor).

As the first hire for the national Network, I quickly learned that much like I had burnt out in nonprofits with missions I believed in, but couldn’t sustain, data also shows that half of nonprofits themselves fail or stall within the first five years.

That is what the Network is about for me. Preventing that burnout of leaders and their organizations which are so crucial in our communities. It’s about creating a new culture together. Bringing together a community of peer support, education, and resources so leaders and their organizations can do the work they know best in their communities sustainably.

We want to see a country where grassroots leaders like you do not burn out. Where there are resources and support and space for the critical work you do building belonging for our newest neighbors from Kalispell, Montana to Miami, Florida and San Diego, California, to Mobile, Alabama

Applications are currently open for our 2024 Fellowship. If you are a leader feeling burnt out, under-resourced, and sometimes alone in your work, please reach out. We’d love to meet you and introduce you to our community. If you know a grassroots leader, please share this newsletter with them.

  • To learn more about our Fellowship program and to apply, click here.
  • To register for our final Information Session on Tuesday, August 22nd, click here.

We know the only real, sustainable way forward is together.

Take good care friends,

Rachel Vinciguerra

Director of National Programs



Rachel Vinciguerra
Hello Neighbor Network

Writer, social worker, yogi, cancer survivor, Director of National Programs for Hello Neighbor supporting grassroots leaders for immigrants and refugees.