Labor, Migration, and the Common Good in Modern America

Jessie Hughes
Hello Neighbor Network
2 min readJul 12, 2021
Photo courtesy of The New Republic

America’s economy needs immigrants and refugees.

As our nation faces both a critical labor shortage and a renewed debate on immigration reform, the importance of immigrant and refugee players in the U.S. economy is especially germane. Refugees and immigrants have always been a critical spoke in the wheel of our economy; Whatsapp, Intel, Ebay, and countless other companies were all founded by newcomers to the U.S.

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As the world flattens and markets become interconnected, the global labor market is more fluid and flexible than ever before, allowing more people than ever to migrate for work. America is emerging from a crippling global pandemic; new enterprises are booming while old ones expand.

U.S. leaders at the federal, state, and local levels are calling for more immigrants and refugees to join the labor force, asserting that refugees give more than the U.S. gives them and revitalize depopulated locales. In addition, economic and social outcomes for refugees in the United States trend positive, reinforcing a positive return on the United States’ long-running resettlement program.

The data supports our leaders’ opinions. A recent report from the New American Economy explores immigrant roots in Fortune 500 companies, finding that 44 percent of Fortune 500 companies this year were founded by immigrants or their children.

Photo courtesy of the Washington Post.

As long as instability continues as a force in the world, people will be displaced and need a welcoming community to start fresh. The United States and we here at the Network continue to stand with that sentiment.

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Your Neighbors at the Network

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