Hello Neighbor Proudly Introduces The New Neighbor Collective

Jordan Chepke
Hello Neighbor


Over the past 4 years our incredible community has worked hard to welcome and support over 500 refugees and immigrants from 15 countries of origin.

Together we’ve accomplished so much, but there are still so many families who could use the support of dedicated neighbors as they work to rebuild their lives.

That’s why, today, we are launching the New Neighbor Collective.

The New Neighbor Collective is a passionate community of generous monthly givers on a mission to transform Pittsburgh and the United States into a place we can all proudly call home.

Member of the New Neighbor Collective enjoy:

  • Exclusive gifts
  • Insider updates and stories showing the impact of your monthly donation
  • Monthly giving receipts affirming your impact
  • Early access to events and special discounts

Your Generosity In Action

This is more than an opportunity to give, it’s an opportunity to invest in the kind of welcoming, inclusive communities you wish to see.

“The idea of Hello Neighbor is very wonderful because it breaks that barrier between the Middle Eastern and the American people. I think it should be in every state.”Dalal, Syrian refugee | Joined Hello Neighbor in 2020

Your monthly gift goes a long way:

  • $25 a month can provide mentorship support for a family
  • $35 a month can provide learning support for a refugee student
  • $50 a month can provide food assistance for a family
  • $100 a month can provide diapers and formula for a new mom
  • $250 a month can support family wellness checks with staff & interpreters

We believe that together, with your help, we will see more refugee and immigrant families come to find a sense of home and belonging once again. Are you with us?

Join the New Neighbor Collective

“I’m proud to support Hello Neighbor because it’s something that I wish my family had when we first came to America from Somalia. By being a member of the New Neighbor Collective, I’m proud to be helping to build the type of communities that will serve the world we all deserve.”Sabrina | Monthly Supporter Since 2018

